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I wouldn’t normally watch a film on a screen this size, but the panel here is so gorgeous that I can’t help getting lost in it. The one thing that has changed this time around is the addition of a ‘Always-on’ display. Due to the way AMOLED screens work, they don’t need to light up the whole display all of the time. They can select individual pixels and just show them, keeping everything else off. So, when the Galaxy S7 is locked it can still show the time, date and a couple of bits of other information on the screen without eating through too much battery. It’s a nice touch, and great for quickly checking the time when the phone is resting on your desk or a bedside table.

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But it’s a good software update or two short of being really useful. First off, it’ll only show notifications from a few apps – it’s currently limited to Samsung’s own Messages, Email and Phone. If you, like me, regularly use WhatsApp, Gmail and Facebook Messenger, none of these will appear. That’s a shame, and makes the notification side of things a lot less useful. I’d also like a lot more control over the mode.

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There’s no setting to alter the brightness, which causes some problems when you’re in a darker room, and aside from choosing whether or not you want a calendar showing, there’s no customisation allowed. It uses extra battery too. About 1-2% per hour, so 15% or so per day. It’s just about worth it, but it could be so much better. My only gripe with the display on the Samsung Galaxy S7 is that, in sunny conditions, it can be quite hard to read – certainly more so than the LCD panel on the iPhone 6S. Even with the brightness jacked all the way up, you’ll have to tilt the screen or find some shade to stop yourself squinting at it. Thankfully, unlike the Galaxy S7 Edge, it has great viewing angles and doesn’t suffer from white backgrounds getting tinged with blue. ONNOVEMBER 9 "BEST SINGLES DAY DEALS 2018" Best Singles Day Deals 2018 ‘Poppy Day’ or ‘Remembrance Day’ is significant in the UK for remembering those who have fallen in the line of duty, but elsewhere in the world 11 November also has significance for being ‘Singles Day’. Originating in China in 1993, Singles Day is now celebrated around the globe, and especially online.

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If you’ve never heard of it, consider that the number 1 represents an individual, or a single person. The number 11 could then be said to represent two singles coming together, and 11.11 two separate pairs of singles coming together. Thus 11 November is all about giving single people the opportunity to meet other singles.

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How that translates to some great tech deals being available for Singles Day we’re not entirely sure, but hey, we won’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Do keep in mind that most of the following deals are available at Chinese retailers. If you’re intending to import consumer tech to the UK from China remember to factor into your budget import duty (payable at 20% of the value on the shipping paperwork), and note that getting a refund should something go wrong will be more difficult than if you bought said tech within Europe.

(Read more Chinese tech buying advice here.) Prices are also usually displayed in US$, though you can convert to Sterling on the product pages. Best Singles Day Tech Deals at GearBest GearBest is not the only Chinese tech importer, but it is the one we work with most frequently at Tech Advisor, and hence have built up a good level of trust with the site. It’s running several promotions for Singles Day, and the deals have already begun. GearBest will also be holding flash sales this weekend, and offering ‘Epic Discounts’ on 13 and 14 November.

The GearBest Black Friday sale then kicks off on 15 November. There are loads more offers here, but we’ve pulled out some of the most interesting promotions below.

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